Interface that defines the arguments required to create a PGVectorStore instance. It includes Postgres connection options, table name, filter, and verbosity level.


  • PGVectorStoreArgs


postgresConnectionOptions: PoolConfig
tableName: string
chunkSize?: number

The amount of documents to chunk by when adding vectors.


collectionMetadata?: null | Metadata
collectionName?: string
collectionTableName?: string
columns?: {
    contentColumnName?: string;
    idColumnName?: string;
    metadataColumnName?: string;
    vectorColumnName?: string;

Type declaration

  • Optional contentColumnName?: string
  • Optional idColumnName?: string
  • Optional metadataColumnName?: string
  • Optional vectorColumnName?: string
extensionSchemaName?: null | String
filter?: Metadata
ids?: string[]
schemaName?: null | string
verbose?: boolean

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